私のボーディングスクール物語 テイバーアカデミー(Tabor Academy; The Boarding Schools I truly love)

For the convenience of native English speakers or learners, the English version is provided below.
テイバーアカデミー(Tabor Academy)「留学生にとっての至福の場所」
「一度行けば好きになる」”School by the Sea”
Taborの特長は、“School by the Sea”という類まれな海沿いの立地にあります。マサチューセッツ州南東部に位置するMarion(マリオン)という町のSippican Harbor(シピカンハーバー)の海に面して学校が建っています。海と学校が一体になっているのです。
Tabor は“Tabor Boy”という2本マストスクーナー帆船を持っていて、船を任されるキャプテン(船長)も任命されています。Tabor の教育と海は不可分です。ヨットの操縦も授業に取り入れられており、nautical science(航海学)という専門科目もあります。

Taborには専門のインターナショナルスチューデントセンターが確立されています。その責任者がMr. Stephen Downesで、Taborの留学生コミュニティの発展に長年情熱的に取り組んでおられます。毎年各国をリクルートで訪問し、アジア人生徒に深い理解がある慧眼で深部をとらえた採用をされています。

学校訪問ツアーの最終日がTaborの訪問予定でした。前夜にダメ元でアドミッションオフィスあてにメールで「明日訪問するから日本人生徒に会えるように手配してほしい」とお願いしておきました。アドミッションオフィスに行くと驚いたことにMr. Stephen Downesの他、日本人生徒全員が待っていてくれました。

English Version for Native English Speakers or Learners
Boarding school has been a long-cherished dream beyond my reach for many years. Skipping a generation, I eventually decided to send my son to a boarding school. However, when I tried to apply, I found myself completely clueless about the world of boarding schools.
Studying abroad comes with its fair share of anxieties. As a mother, I was determined to find a place where I could intuitively feel that “my child would be happy.” I balanced my aspirations and preferences, visiting each school one by one to confirm. It was, in a sense, a journey similar to the Mencius’ mother’s three relocations for the sake of her son’s education.
So, what were the results?
Boarding school turned out to be a world that matched my long-cherished dreams and preferences. I encountered people who warmly welcomed the children.
I want to talk about my favorite, gem-like boarding schools that I truly fell in love with.
Tabor Academy – “A Heavenly Harbor for International Students”
“Once you go, you’ll love it” – “School by the Sea”
If you visit Tabor once, anyone is bound to fall in love with the school.
Tabor’s uniqueness lies in its exceptional location by the sea, known as “School by the Sea.” The school is situated facing the Sippican Harbor in Marion, a town in the southeastern part of Massachusetts. The sea and the school are seamlessly integrated.
Tabor owns a two-masted schooner named “Tabor Boy,” and a captain is appointed to handle the ship. Education at Tabor is inseparable from the sea. Yacht navigation is part of the curriculum, and there is also a specialized subject called nautical science.
The tranquil Sippican Harbor, nestled in Buzzards Bay, is perfect for yacht sailing. Marion has long been an elegant vacation spot.
The school is of moderate size, with around 500 students. On campus, there scattered dormitories resembling family cottages, some of which have been donated by alumni.
Shining Asian International Students
Having visited various boarding schools, I found that the Asian international students at Tabor were entirely different from those at other schools. The guides, who were Chinese students during the school visit, conveyed distinct personalities and favorable traits. In the competitive world of boarding school admissions, where one navigates through standard criteria like grades and test scores, Tabor emphasizes not only academic performance but also whether the student possesses a good heart and fits into the Tabor community on a personal level.
Tabor has a dedicated International Student Center, led by Mr. Stephen Downes, who has been passionately contributing to the development of Tabor’s international student community for long time. He visits various countries annually, demonstrating a keen understanding of Asian students and making thoughtful recruitment choices.
Japanese Students at Tabor
The final day of our school visit tour was scheduled at Tabor. The night before, I took a last-minute chance and emailed the admissions office, requesting to meet Japanese students the next morning. To my surprise, when I arrived at the admissions office, Mr. Stephen Downes and all the Japanese students were waiting for us.
Tabor’s Japanese students mostly come from Japanese prep schools, and they retain the positive qualities of being Japanese. They all seemed genuinely excited about Tabor’s school life and appeared happy. According to what I later heard, all of them had excellent academic records. This is a great example of excelling in studies by enjoying school life.
Academic Aspect
Tabor is fundamentally a college-preparatory school, offering accelerated honors courses, college-level AP courses, and even advanced topics. Seventy-one percent of the faculty hold master’s degrees, providing a curriculum and support environment that allows students to challenge themselves at a high level.
Message from the International Admissions Officer for Applicants from Japan
The application guidelines for international students explicitly state a minimum TOEFL score of 80. However, even if you don’t reach 80, I think they will still interview you in Japan.
There is no ESL program, so Japanese students are expected to participate in discussions at the same level as other American students in college-preparatory courses. The minimum TOEFL score of 80 is likely set with consideration for the impact on other students.
I have received the following message from the responsible officer for international student admissions.
For preliminary inquiries, including inquiries about opportunities, please contact Kizuregawa.
”We have been somewhat flexible about our TOEFL requirement of a minimum 80 score for candidates from Japan, since we have seen that well-motivated and bright students with TOEFL scores in the 60s-70s range can adjust quickly to the new environment for grades 9 or 10.”
Blessings for Japan-raised students
Tabor is a boarding school that could be a blessing for Japan-raised students.
1 hour drive from Logan airport, Boston
Mascot: Seawolf
Contact: Please consult Ayano Kizuregawa for any general inquiries.