私のボーディングスクール物語 ケントスクール(Kent School; The Boarding Schools I Truly Love)
For the convenience of native English speakers or learners, the English version is provided below.
アメリカのボーディングスクールにはそれぞれ特徴があり、ひとつとして似通った学校はありません。私が自分の目で見たボーディングスクールの印象を紹介していきたいと思います。特に日本ではテンスクール(The Ten Schools)以外の学校の知名度はそれほど高くありませんが、素晴らしい学校がたくさんあることを知っていただきたいと願っています。
「私はコネティカットの寮のある学校に行っていたのよ」と言う友人の言葉を聞いて、どういう教育を受け、どのように人格形成されたかに関心を抱きました。後に、彼女の出身校がテンスクールの超名門チョート・ローズマリー・ホール(Choate Rosemary Hall)だとわかり、名門ボーディングスクールからアイビーリーグへの道にあこがれが膨らみました。
ケントスクール(Kent School)「テンスクールに次ぐ鉄板の難関校」
あえてテンスクール入学後の熾烈な成績争いを避けてケントスクールを選ぶというアメリカ人受験者もいます。名門大学へ進学するためには高校時代に完全無欠なGPAを確保して優等生High Honor Role(GPA3.85以上など)クラスになる必要があるからです。
同じコネティカット州にあるテンスクールのチョート・ローズマリー・ホール(Choate Rosemary Hall)やザ・タフト・スクール(The Taft School)を訪問すると、大学かと見紛うばかりの壮麗な建物に圧倒されます。翻ってケントスクールはニューイングランドらしい低層の石造りの建物がキャンパス内に点在し、温かい雰囲気があり、そこにコミュニティがあるという印象を受けます。
アパラチアン・トレイル(Appalachian Trail)とフーサトニック川(Housatonic River)に挟まれた絶好の自然環境の立地です。立地条件からか、ボートが強豪なようです。
アメリカ人出願者は同じコネティカット州にあるザ・ホチキス・スクール(The Hotchkiss School)と併願することが多いようです。
息子出願時の担当:Ms. Peggy Traub Email: traubp@kent-school.edu
English Version for Native English Speakers or Learners
The Boarding Schools I Truly Love
When I decided to send my son to an American boarding school , I aimed to provide him with the best possible environment. I visited boarding schools one by one to ensure this firsthand, ultimately visiting over 25 schools.
Each boarding school possesses its own unique character; none are identical to the others. In this series of articles, “The Boarding Schools I Truly Love,” I aim to introduce the schools that have become my special favorites – gem-like boarding schools that I truly fell in love with. In Japan, boarding schools other than the Ten Schools are not well-known, and information about boarding schools, in general, is limited. I wish to share my knowledge to inform the Japanese public that there are many excellent schools available, broadening their options.
How I Learned About Boarding Schools
My Yearning
I have two acquaintances, one from Hong Kong and one Chinese-Japanese, who went on to attend Brown University after graduating from American boarding schools. Both speak perfect English. It is their distinctiveness that stands out – they are not only intelligent but also possess attractive personalities, with street smarts and social skills. One told me, “I studied at a boarding school in Connecticut.” Her words piqued my interest in the kind of education she received and how her appealing personality was nurtured. Subsequently, I discovered she attended Choate Rosemary Hall, one of the most prestigious schools among the Ten Schools. This fueled my desire for the path to the Ivy League through prestigious boarding schools.
Many Excellent Schools No Less Than Ten Schools
Initially, I focused on gaining admission to the Ten Schools without hesitation and visited many of them. However, through my actual campus visits, I discovered that schools other than the Ten Schools offer attractions no less impressive than those of the Ten Schools.
I came to understand that the allure of boarding schools lies in their communities. Consequently, I began to check the quality of the community and whether it would suit my son.
Kent School: An Impeccable Prestigious School with High Selectivity Next to Ten Schools:
Attractiveness Comparable to Ten Schools
Kent School is considered to be positioned in terms of selectivity next to the Ten Schools. However, it boasts various attractions that excel and are never inferior compared to the Ten Schools. If accepted, there is a definite legitimacy in choosing Kent.
Among American applicants, some opt for Kent over the Ten Schools, even if accepted, due to strategic considerations for college admissions. This is to avoid the severe and intense academic competition in the Ten Schools. In order to gain admission to the most prestigious colleges, students from the Ten Schools must achieve perfect grades in GPA, akin to being on the High Honor Roll. Beyond such strategic considerations, the exquisite school culture and environment of Kent are irresistible.
Once you visit Kent, you can immediately sense its attractiveness. I have visited twice, and through these visits, I was impressed by its warm atmosphere, which is distinct from the larger-scale Ten Schools.
New England’s Charm
When I visited Choate Rosemary Hall or The Taft School in Connecticut, the same state as Kent, I was overwhelmed by the grandeur scale of their buildings and facilities, reminiscent of established universities. In contrast, at Kent, there are scattered low-storied stone buildings in the New England architectural style, creating a warm community atmosphere.
During my first visit, the guide students appeared to be classy, with a slight formal fashion sense, wearing chino pants and ties. On my next visit, we were assigned a Japanese student as our guide, and to my surprise, he was my son’s preschool classmate from Tokyo. He was the best guide we ever had and clearly expressed his love for Kent, saying he couldn’t be happier.
Geographical Location
Nestled between the Appalachian Trail and the Housatonic River, Kent is surrounded by an undeniably beautiful natural environment. This location benefits boating and makes Kent competitive in athletic boating.
“Close-knit Community” and “Collaboration”
As the guide student told us, Kent’s uniqueness lies in its “close-knit community” and spirit of “collaboration” in school culture, without being overly competitive.
High-Level Academic Courses
Kent offers numerous academic courses, including advanced study courses. From what I gathered through discussions with admission officers, students at Kent School are instilled with strong basics in the initial phase, and if there are deficiencies, they are required to review them. In the upper grades, they can undertake thematic projects.
Kent boasts a multinational student body from a wide variety of countries. It has a warm and open multicultural environment, welcoming international students.
Variety of Delicious Foods:
The cafeteria menu offers a delicious array of multicultural dishes.
Liberal Culture
The school reportedly maintains a progressive and liberal culture.
Applicants often apply to The Hotchkiss School in Connecticut simultaneously.
Japanese Applicants
Kent does not actively recruit Japanese students by visiting Japan, but it shows a willingness to accept Japanese students and has a good understanding of Japanese culture. To gain admission to the Ten Schools, applicants must achieve a TOEFL score of no less than 100. Kent School demonstrates holistic understanding towards Japanese applicants, and they evaluate TOEFL scores considering the My BEST score, not excluding applicants with scores in the 80 from undergoing an interview.
For Japanese applicants, Kent School is considered to be one of the most selective and attainable boarding schools, making it a good choice if can be pursued.
1.5 hours drive from Bradley airport in Connecticut or 2 hours drive from JFK airport in NY
Mascot: Lion
Officer in Charge: Ms. Peggy Traub
Email: traubp@kent-school.edu
Ms. Traub is a nice lady who is easy to talk to and shows consideration for Japanese applicants.